Assessments are an important part of the overall instructional program. Our focus is on providing meaningful information for teachers and administrators regarding the academic performance of their students through the use of teacher developed Common Formative Assessments, District Interim, and Cumulative Assessments and the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments. With most high stake assessments moving to an online format, the department of Assessment, Research, Data Analysis & Education Technology is committed to helping the staff and students of º£½ÇÂÛ̳ District develop the necessary technology skills to support 21st Century learning.
If you have any questions or need support with developing or administering any assessments, please feel free to contact Paulina Villalobos at (909) 879-6014 extension 2871. If you'd like to add the 2023-24 Assessment Calendar to your Google Calendar, please click on this .
From the California Framework:
Assessment plays a crucial role in delivering high quality instruction and ensuring the learning of all students. In order for assessment to be effective, teachers need to have clear reasons for why they are using the assessment tools they are using. That is, assessment must have a clear purpose in instruction: to support and enhance student learning. Assessment activities should be embedded in instruction and provide opportunities for informative feedback to both students and teachers. A variety of assessment strategies need to be employed as learning is multidimensional and cannot be adequately measured by a single instrument (Suurtamm, Koch, and Arden 2010, 11 400).
Please take time to read the entire Framework section on Assessment for and .