Therapeutic Behavioral Strategist (TBS)

  • GENERAL PURPOSE:  Provide behavioral support for students by facilitating classroom presentations, group and/or individual services.  Supports are aimed at assisting students with addressing their social emotional challenges that impact behavior, and interfere with their success in school. This work is performed through skill building.  TBS do not provide counseling services.

    Therapeutic Behavioral Strategist (TBS) provide Tier 2 behavioral supports such as:

    • Social emotional learning groups
    • One-on-one individualized skills support (not therapy)
    • Psychoeducational groups
    • Classroom presentations
    • Collaborative partnerships
    • Professional development
    • School Wide Assemblies ( Ex. Bullying)
    • Parent Workshops (Ex. Love N Logic)


Meet Out Team

Mike arrington

Dr. Michael Arrington


Louie Contresas


Gelcie Hitchman - Gomez

Jackie Bell

Virgo Garret

Sedric Deason

Sedric Deason


Liliana Mercado, MFTI


Krystal Fausto

Adnane Harbouche

Adnane Harbouche

Adriana Perez

Adriana Perez

Brian Perkins

Brian Perkins

Yoseph Yaisrael

Yoseph Yaisrael


Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"