School Principal - Carolyn Eide
Dear Jaguar Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! In the past six years we have received several accolades. Among these are: Being a leader within the district in regard to Positive Behavior Intervention Systems being recognized as both a Gold School twice and a Platinum level once which is a testament to our school culture and student supports. We have been recognized as an AVID School-wide Site of Distribution and a California Green School at the Gold Level, which is the highest level of recognition by the state of California. We are also the first Dual Immersion Language program at the secondary level within the º£½ÇÂÛ̳ District and our eighth graders will be entering high school this coming school year. Finally, we have been recognized by the state of California as well as Nationally as a Schools to Watch, becoming one of the 3% in the nation of middle schools to have processes and systems in place to ensure all students have access to rigorous instruction and academic achievement.
We cannot create an optimal learning environment without our school community and families. We look forward to seeing and working with our students and families throughout this school year and continuing to strive for excellence. With your help and participation, I am confident that our students will be among the states and nation's leaders in a wide range of areas. I can personally think of many students that have gone forward to make their mark on society and I am confident that your child will do the same!
Our Instructional Focus is to "Prepare all students to be strategic thinkers and problem solvers by building literacy skills in all content areas and requiring students to justify responses using academic language with textual evidence when appropriate." We are committed to providing the best educational experience for all students academically, socially, and physically.
I will spend two full days every week in classrooms to support teaching and learning throughout campus. Additionally, our Assistant Principal's will spend at least 1 full day every week in classrooms. Therefore, we may not always be able to speak with you when you drop in or telephone us. However, our office staff is wonderfully equipped to assist you with questions or concerns. If they are unable to assist you, they will schedule a meeting with an administrator or arrange for one of us to call you back within 48 hours.
Thank you and we look forward to connecting with you and your family.
Estimada Familia Jaguar,
Bienvenidos al aiio escolar 2024-2025! En los ultimas seis afi.os hemos recibido varios premios. Entre estos se encuentran: Ser un lider dentro del distrito en cuanto al Sistema de Intervenci6n para el Comportarniento Positivo siendo reconocidos como una Escuela de Oro dos veces y una vez a nivel Platino lo cual es un testarnento a nuestra cultura escolar y el apoyo a los estudiantes. Hemos sido reconocidos como un Sitio de Distribuci6n Escolar AVID y una Escuela Verde de California en el Nivel Oro, que es el nivel mas alto de reconocimiento por el estado de California. Tarnbien somos el primer programa de Inrnersi6n en Dos Idiomas a nivel secundario dentro del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Rialto y nuestros estudiantes de octavo grado ingresaran a la preparatoria este pr6ximo afio escolar. Por ultimo, hemos sido reconocidos por el estado de California al igual que a nivel nacional coma "Schools to Watch", lo que nos convierte en una de las escuelas intermedias del 3% de la naci6n que cuenta con procesos y sistemas para garantizar que todos los estudiantes tengan acceso a una instrucci6n rigurosa y al rendimiento academico.No podemos crear un entorno de aprendizaje 6ptimo sin nuestra comunidad escolar y nuestras farnilias. Esperarnos ver y trabajar con nuestros estudiantes y farnilias a lo largo de este afi.o escolar y seguir esforzandonos por alcanzar la excelencia. Con su ayuda y participaci6n, estoy seguro de que nuestros estudiantes estaran entre los lideres del estado y de la naci6n en una arnplia gama de areas. Puedo pensar personalmente en muchos estudiantes que han salido adelante para dejar su huella en la sociedad y jconfio en que su hijo hará lo mismo!
Nuestro Enfoque Instructivo es "Preparar a todos los estudiantes para ser pensadores estratégicos y solucionadores de problemas mediante el desarrollo de habilidades de alfabetizaci6n en todas las áreas de contenido y exigiendo a los estudiantes que justifiquen sus respuestas utilizando lenguaje académico con evidencia textual cuando sea apropiado." Nos comprometemos a proporcionar la mejor experiencia educativa a todos los estudiantes desde el punto de vista academico, social y fisico.
Pasare dos dias completos cada semana en las aulas para apoyar la ensefi.anza y el aprendizaje en todo el plantel. Ademas, nuestros subdirectores pasaran al menos un dia completo a la semana en las aulas. Por lo tanto, es posible que no siempre podamos hablar con usted cuando nos visite o nos llarme por teléfono. Sin embargo, nuestro personal de oficina esta maravillosamente equipado para ayudarle con sus preguntas o preocupaciones. Si no pueden ayudarle, programaran una reunión con un administrador o se encargaran de que uno de nosotros le devuelva la llamada dentro de 48 horas.
Gracias y esperarnos conectar con usted y su familia.
Assistant Principal - Angel Arratia
Greetings Jaguar Family!
I would like to welcome back all returning students, new students, family members, and our community. My name is Angel Arratia, Assistant Principal and newest addition to the Jehue Middle School family. Let me also take this time to thank our students, parents, teachers, and staff members for their resiliency, patience, and understanding during these unprecedented times. My family consists of my wife and two daughters. One of my daughters is entering her Senior year and the other one is starting Sixth Grade, so I totally understand the challenges we face.
I look forward to establishing a partnership that will benefit your student’s experience in middle school. I believe my experience in high school for these past 15 years, twelve years as an English teacher, Avid Coordinator, Head Varsity Baseball Coach, and most recently my last three years as BARR Coordinator which consisted of overseeing all ninth graders will greatly benefit our students here at Jehue. There will be many opportunities for parental involvement and I invite you to join us as a valuable member to our school community. I want to reassure you that together we will continue to give our students the best safe learning environment that will develop their agency as critical thinkers and problem solvers. As a proud new Jaguar, I welcome you once again.
Assistant Principal - Yolanda Smith
Hello, Jehue Middle School community! My name is Yolanda Smith, and I am proud to serve as the Vice Principal of our school. This is my 11th year at Jehue Middle School and my 12th year working within the º£½ÇÂÛ̳ District.
With three adult children of my own, two of whom attended school here in Rialto, I understand the importance of a strong, supportive, and positive educational experience. My commitment is to work closely with our families, serve our community, and ensure that every student at Jehue feels valued, safe, and encouraged to achieve their best.
I look forward to continuing our journey together, supporting our students, and contributing to the vibrant, welcoming environment that makes Jehue Middle School so special.
Let’s Go Jaguars!