This year’s Distance Learning (Bridge Academy) will look very different from what you experienced in the Spring. During the 2020-2021 school year, students will participate in daily virtual synchronous (live) instruction. Teachers will communicate with students daily and support academic progress. Your teacher’s Google Classroom will be the primary source of instruction. Attendance will be taken daily. Students will be required to complete assessments and assignments (asynchronous) that will be graded.
Starting August 10, your child will be logging into Google Classroom(s) to access their assignment schedule for the week. Students in grade levels preschool-fifth grade will have (1) Google Classroom account. Students in grades 6-12 will have (6) Google Classroom accounts (one for each class period). Your teachers will be there to support you on a daily basis with questions you might have.
COVID-19 School Guidance Checklist
RUSD COVID-19 Safety Plan
What You Need to Know
This year’s Distance Learning (Bridge Academy) will look very different from what you experienced in the Spring. During the 2020-2021 school year, students will participate in daily virtual synchronous (live) instruction. Teachers will communicate with students daily and support academic progress. Your teacher’s Google Classroom will be the primary source of instruction. Attendance will be taken daily. Students will be required to complete assessments and assignments (asynchronous) that will be graded.
Starting August 10, your child will be logging into Google Classroom(s) to access their assignment schedule for the week. Students in grade levels preschool-fifth grade will have (1) Google Classroom account. Students in grades 6-12 will have (6) google Classroom accounts (one for each class period). Your teachers will be there to support you on a daily basis with questions you might have.
Below are the daily schedules for elementary and secondary schools:
Distance Learning Expectations:
Safety is the number one priority for our Rialto USD students. In an effort to create safe virtual learning environments during this time of Distance Learning, the District would like to remind families of the expectations for our Rialto “Digital Citizens.”
- Please review and adhere to the Rialto USD Acceptable Use Policy
- Please take a few minutes to review and listen to the
- Please be aware that if a student exhibits behavior that violates the above expectations, progressive discipline may be issued
The 2020-2021 school year presents an opportunity for the º£½ÇÂÛ̳ District to discover new possibilities in the wake of COVID-19. Students and teachers returned to begin the school year in a non-traditional setting and format under newly established safety conditions. These settings, structures, and conditions require teachers to deliver instruction in different ways, and students to learn without physically attending class every day, or in the case of distance learning, at all. As such, everyone is learning to function and succeed anew. This plan outlines scheduling models, recommendations for instruction, expectations of students and teachers in regards to safety and operational protocols. To view this plan click below.
If you need technical support (such as issuing of devices), please contact your school's Instructional Technology Assistant. Below you'll find a list with their name and email.
Instructional Technology Assistants
Bemis - Bridget Wilkerson (BWILKERS@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7916 ext 2304
Boyd - Adrian Saucedo (ASAUCEDO4@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7929
Casey - Noemi Moreno (NMORENO2@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7904 ext 2401
Curtis - Brandon Jackson (BJACKSON@rialtousd.org) 909-421-7366
Dollahan - Rene Romero (RROMERO@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7943
Dunn - Jeanette Cleveland (JCLEVELA@rialtousd.org 909-820-7873 ext 2201
Fitzgerald - Gabriel Vizcarra (gvizcarr@rialtousd.org 909-421-7625
Garcia - Racquel Pantaleon (RPANTALE@rialtousd.org) 909-421-7620
Henry - Alannah Roberson (AROBERSO@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7910
Hughbanks - Brandon Ponce (BPONCE@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7970
Kelley - Aaron Saucedo (ASAUCEDO3@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7923
Kordyak - Raul Dominguez (RDOMINGU2@rialtousd.org) 909-421-4203
Morgan - Cecilia Pinedo (CPINEDO@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7884
Morris - Wilson Gonzalez Moscoso (WGONZALE@rialtousd.org) 909-820-6864 ext 2104
Myers - Cynthia Chavarin (CCHAVARi@rialtousd.org 909-820-7921
Simpson - Ivette Mejia (IMEJIA@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7954
Trapp - Christina Torres (CTORRES3@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7911
Werner - Rosina Chavarin (RCHAVARI@rialtousd.org) 909-820-6830
Frisbie MS - Brenda Parker (BPARKER@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7887 ext 22114
Jehue MS - Andres Donato (ADONATO@rialtousd.org) 909-421-7377
Kolb MS - Alma Alba (AALBA@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7849 ext 2953
Kucera MS - Sylvia Franco (SFRANCO@rialtousd.org) 909-574-7044 ext 2305
Rialto MS - Raul Gonzalez (RGONZALE8@rialtousd.org) 909-879-7308
Milor HS - Raven Cleveland (RCLEVELA@rialtousd.org) 909-820-8110 ext 2601
Educational Technology Technicians
Eisnhower HS- Leslee Forney (LFORNEY@rialtousd.org) 909-820-7777 x 21743
Rialto HS- Caleb Hernandez (CHERNAND4@rialtousd.org) 909-421-7500
Carter HS- Gustavo Gonzalez (GGONZALE2@rialtousd.org) 909-854-4100 ext 28207
Bridge Academy Resources:
Google Classroom Chromebook Remind
Device Home Use Resources:
G Suite Resources and Tutorials
- (PDF)
- (PDF)
Mobile Hotspot
In effort to ensure that Distance Learning is effective for all students, RUSD has ordered internet hotspots for students in need. The District will be distributing mobile hotspots to families that do not have home internet. Mobile hotspots create Wi-Fi networks that can be shared by multiple users within about 10 meters of the hotspot device. The hotspots are setup to connect to district devices and will connect automatically. Devices come with (CIPA) compliance requirements. Students who attempt to visit an inappropriate site will be blocked by the device. If your family is in need of a hotspot device, please contact your school's front office.
The District will provide meals (breakfast and lunch) to students via "Grab & Go" bags during school closures. The meals can be picked up at any of the designated sites below.
Pick Up Days: Tuesday (2 breakfast, 2 lunch) & Thursday (5 breakfast, 5 lunch)
Pick Up times: 11:30 AM – 1:15 PM
Week 1- This will be the only week we will have Monday meal service. Service on Monday, August 10th and Thursday, August 13th
Week 2 and continuing until further notice Service will be every Tuesday and Thursday
Pick up locations:
- Bemis ES – 774 E. Etiwanda Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376
- Simpson ES – 1050 S. Lilac Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376
- Frisbie MS – 1442 N. Eucalyptus Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376
- Kolb MS – 2351N. Spruce Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376
- Kucera MS - 2140 W. Buena Vista Drive, Rialto, CA 92377
- Rialto MS - 1262 W. Rialto Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376
- Eisenhower HS – 1321 N. Lilac Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376
- Rialto HS – 595 S. Eucalyptus Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376
- Casey ES - 219 N Eucalyptus Ave, Rialto, CA 92376
- Dollahan ES - 1060 W Etiwanda Ave, Rialto, CA 92376
- Dunn ES - 830 N Lilac Ave, Rialto, CA 92376
- Garcia ES - 1390 W Randall Ave, Colton, CA 92324
- Myers ES - 975 N Meridian Ave, Rialto, CA 92376
- Jehue MS - 1500 N Eucalyptus Ave, Colton, CA 92324
- Carter HS - 2630 N Linden Ave, Rialto, CA 92377
Bus location information:
This is a list of our bus stop locations. Service times are the same as the sites 11:30- 1:15pm. Drivers will stop at all locations and stay for the entire service time. The only exception is Lytle Creek. The van going to Lytle Creek must continue to move for safety due to size of the area.
Bus stop pickup locations:
- Mobile Home Park – San Bernardino: 243 N Meridian
- Mobile Home Park – San Bernardino: 2505 Foothill Blvd
- Manor – San Bernardino: 3rd and Macy
- Mobile Home Park – San Bernardino: 2151 W. Rialto Ave / 2075 W. Rialto Ave
- Mobile Home Park – San Bernardino: 2160 W. Rialto Ave / 2260 W. Rialto Ave
- Mobile Home Park – San Bernardino: 201 S Pennsylvania Ave
- Community – San Bernardino: Penn Back Gate
- Apartments Village Green – San Bernardino: 2122 Chestnut St / 2250 Chestnut St
- Mobile Home Park – San Bernardino: 222 S. Rancho Ave
- South Rialto: 2069 W San Bernardino Ave (NE corner of Sycamore & San Bernardino)
- South Rialto: NE Willow / Miramonte
- Fontana: Walnut Grove / Mango NE
- Fontana: Walnut Village Pkwy / Acacia NW
- Lytle Creek: Various Stops (Call for more info)
- Rosena Ranch: Sycamore Creek / Perilla NW
Counselors will continue to address the three domains; academic, career, and social/emotional development. Counselors may provide virtual appointments to students for academic counseling, monitoring, and guidance from any one of the domains. These appointments or conversations may be conducted via email, telephone, or Google Meet.
If you have a need to communicate with your child's counselor please go to the school's website and find your counselors email address to send them an email, directly. Your counselor will get back to you within 24 hours.
Please to view the latest information on enrollment.
2020-21 School Year Preschool/TK/K Registration
Please to view the latest information on preschool/TK/K registration.
Information on Work Permits
In response to the novel COVID-19 virus situation, there is a new process for obtaining a Work Permit. To obtain a Work Permit, please review the Work Permit steps in this link
How to Request Transcripts/Records
Information on how to request transcripts/records can be found on the individual high schools' web pages. Please follow the steps found in the links below
Social-Emotional Learning Resources
Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New
PBS provides information regarding changes to their educational programming.
Tips for learning effectively: provides resources for families, administrators, and teachers organized by grade-level groups.
Book resource tips for kids are available at the .
Common Sense Education provides a r for elementary-aged students. There is information for kids interested in art, writing their own book, coding, math, and science.
- Advice for setting a . This link provides guidance to parents as they build a daily routine with their children at home.
, you will find learning resources and various supports for students and their families. There are resources specifically for students receiving special education and related services. We have provided supports for speech services, social skills, behavior, occupational/physical therapy, and social-emotional supports. There will be more resources added regularly.