• Shaping Early Education Development (SEED)

    The SEED program is designed to support TK/K students who require more intensive support in the areas of functional communication and/or behavior. General education curriculum is utilized along with ABA strategies, visuals, and communication systems to support the development of academic, communication and social skills. The goal of the SEED program is to support students to develop the necessary skills to be included in the general education setting or their least restrictive environment upon matriculation into 1st grade.

    Resource Specialist Program (RSP)

    All schools within the 海角论坛 District provide Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) for students who need additional instruction and intervention to make progress in the general education curriculum.  Students may receive instruction in the Resource Room or in the general education classroom, depending upon student needs and the recommendation of the IEP team. 

    Special Day Class (SDC)

    Special Day Class provides intensive Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) and services to students when the nature or severity of the disability precludes participation in the general education program for all or most of the school day.  Both Mild/Moderate SDC and Moderate/Severe SDC programs are offered at various sites throughout the district. 

    Behavior Intervention Support (BIS) Program 

    The BIS program is designed to support students with emotional and behavioral needs significant enough to qualify a student for special education services. The program is in a self-contained setting environment located on a public school campus. The Special Education Teacher and Instructional Assistants provide a high level of social-emotional and behavioral support using a reinforcement schedule designed to increase positive behavior and appropriate social-skills. This program is available at the elementary, middle school and high school.  The programs are supported by Applied Behavior Analysts (ABA), counselors and Therapeutic Behavior Specialists (TBS). 

    Alternate Curriculum Program (Moderate/Severe SDC)

    The Alternate Curriculum Program is designed for students who have significant needs across multiple areas of development including cognition, language, adaptive skills, gross and fine motor skills, behavior, and self-regulation. An alternate curriculum is utilized to provide instruction at each student’s learning level providing access to general education standards and development of functional life skills. Evidence-based practices are utilized to support a structured learning environment and daily classroom routines in whole class and small group instruction.

    Adult Transition Program (ATP)

    The Adult Transition Program supports students with a variety of disabilities, with ages ranging from 18 up to 22 years of age. The program is designed to develop and maintain essential skills that are vital to young adults to build independence. These skills include prosocial behaviors, communication, mobility, independent living, functional academics, technology, pre-employment, and employment training. Students participate in community activities and job and career exploration.

    Home Hospital Instruction Program

    Children may be eligible to receive Home and Hospital Instruction (H/H) if they are home or hospital bound due to a temporary disability over a period of time (more than two weeks) for a medically related reason and unable to attend school, even with a modified day. Home and Hospital Instruction is, by definition, a temporary program, and is not appropriate for chronic conditions or to be used in lieu of school attendance. Because Home and Hospital Instruction does not replace classroom instruction and often may be very limited, if the absence is going to be for an extended period of time, alternate programs/modifications may be considered, including modified day or Independent Study, etc. If you feel that your child needs Home and Hospital instruction please contact your school, and request to speak to the district nurse.